Best Overeating problem specialists in Europe – Tranquillum Clinic

About what really nourishes In our opinion, binge eating and anorexia are two sides of the same coin. Both behaviours are characterized by a self-imposed restriction on the amount of food eaten, a fear of eating, and a rejection of one's own body. In anorexia there are also periods of hunger with occasional binge eating, which are compensated for by iron fasting, vomiting, laxatives or sport. Eating disorders are an attempt at a solution, the causes of which lie in the individual relationship experiences. This is associated with a lot of grief, both for those affected and for those around them. We treat eating disorders according to the latest research. This means that, if the patient wishes, we are happy to involve the family or partner. Tranquillum Clinic is the Best Overeating problem specialists in Europe binge eating and anorexia